If you’re Richard III, you’ll probably prefer a horse to a movie streaming website.

If you’re impersonating Richard III, you might want to be reminded of what a really bad guy he was. He’s the kind of guy who can say:

I can smile, and murder while I smile!

Richard III

If you don’t have a clue who this guy is, that’s fine. All you need to know is that at some point in his life, rather close to the en I must say, he said:

A horse! A horse! My kingdom, for a horse!

Richard II, again

And, by the way, I can only recommend Rowan Atkinson’s very professional interpretation of this memorable scene in Blackadder, which shows he can compete with the best Shakespearian actors.

But what was I saying?

If you’re human, you’ve probably spent the best part of your time in confinement for the last years. This usually implies watching a lot of movies.

So let’s have a look at your options:

Netflix and the likesLoooooots of really entertaining movies and series Most of the movies are, let’s say, entertaining but that’s all.
You have to pay.
Film d’auteur platforms (Mubi, La Cinetek…)Many quality moviesMany movies are really, I mean really, specific.
You only have a limited choice.
You have to pay.
Internet archives (Archive.org, Open Culture…)Looooooots of videos of all kinds
So many bad videos it’s difficult to find the good ones.
Few recent movies (because of copyright issues)

This website adds a new line to this table:

  • Only movies which are legally available: we skim through internet archives, cinema blogs, forums, etc. to find movies that can be legally streamed; extra caution never hurts, so make sure to let us know (through the contact page) in case your have a doubt about a particular movie.
  • Only quality movies: we check on IMDb, SensCritique and Rotten Tomatoes that they’re incredible movies. Sometimes we go crazy and we even watch them and enjoy that.
  • Only free movies: if one day we have millions of daily visitors, we’ll think about adding movies under copyright (and that will mean asking for a fee); but for now we’ll start with exploring the free world.

We like to call it FILM, as in Free, Incredible, Legal Movies.
